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Getting started with AYON


AYON comes in packages for Windows (10 or Server), Mac OS X (Mojave or higher), and Linux distribution (Centos, Ubuntu).

In AYON you can download the installer from within the website: A screenshot of the AYON main menu with the "Download Launcher" menu expanded

A "Download Launcher" blue button should be present, which provides a binary for the Operating System you are accessing the webistes, alternatively you can download a specific binary from the dropdown in the main menu.

If you are testing or working by yourself, you can also grab installation files from the releases:


To install AYON you will need administrator permissions.

pick your platform

For installation on Windows, download and run the installation file AYON-#.#.#.exe. During the installation process, you can change the destination location path of the application,

A screenshot of a Windows installation dialog where the person can choose where to install AYON

and create an icon on the desktop.

A screenshot of a Windows installation dialog where the person can choose to install AYON add the AYON shortcut to their desktop

Working in the studio

In studio environment you should have AYON already installed and deployed, so you can start using it without much setup. Your admin has probably put AYON icon on your desktop or even had your computer set up so AYON will start automatically.

If this is not the case, please contact your administrator to consult on how to launch AYON in your studio.

Working from home

If you are working from home though, you'll need to install it yourself. You should, however, receive the AYON installer files from your studio administrator, because AYON versions and executables might not be compatible between studios.

Installing AYON is possible by using the Installer or by unzipping downloaded ZIP archive to any drive location.

Using the AYON Installer

See the Installation section for more information on how to use the AYON Installer

You can run AYON by desktop "P" icon (if it exists after installing) or by directly executing ayon_gui.exe located in the AYON installation folder. This executable being suitable for artists, or alternatively by ayon_console.exe which is more suitable for TDs/Admin for debugging and error reporting. The later runs with a console window where all the necessary info will appear during user's work session.

Is AYON running?

AYON runs in the operating system's tray. If you see a green AYON icon in the tray you can easily tell AYON is currently running. Keep in mind that on Windows this icon might be hidden by default, in which case, the artist can simply drag the icon down to the tray.

A screenshot of the Windows System Tray showing the AYON icon

Icon not showing on Linux

Some Linux distributions do not ship with tray icons by defaults, mostly GNOME based, to get the icon, install the following extension: Appindicator Support for GNOME Shell

First Launch

When you first start AYON, you will be asked to fill in some basic information.

A screenshot of the AYON login dialog

AYON Login Details

Your Studio should provide you with the AYON url, username and password to fill in the dialog.

Example details

URL: username: johndoe password: v3ry53cur3p455w0rd


AYON updates automatically, based on your studio server, every time you launch it; that's why on first time launch it might do a new installation, if your Studio is using a more recent version, even though you might have just installed it.

Advanced Usage

For more advanced use of AYON commands please visit Admin section.