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Mocha Pro Admin Docs

Mocha Pro - 0.0.1


The Mocha Pro Addon for AYON provide features to manage you Mocha Pro workfiles, load clips and publish tracking data and shape data.


This addon supports only Mocha Pro - the standalone application, not the plugin versions for DCCs.

Addon Settings

Creator Plugins

Create Tracking Points

Setting Location: ayon+settings://mocha/create/CreateTrackingPoints

  • Enable: When enabled, users can create tracking points products using the publisher tool.
  • Default Exporters: Choose the default exporter for tracking points for each Mocha version.

Create Shapes

Setting Location: ayon+settings://mocha/create/CreateShapeData

  • Enable: When enabled, users can create Shapes Data products using the publisher tool.
  • Default Exporters: Choose the default exporter for Shapes Data for each Mocha version.