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Tray Publisher

Tray Publisher Addon - 0.2.10


Tray Publisher is a standalone publisher tool that allows you to publish any files to AYON. It's also capable of creating assets and shots in your projects. The Tray Publisher is minimal and doesn't have many validators, offering greater flexibility.

It features various creation plugins and provides dynamic creator definitions that you can extend for studio or project-specific needs.


Creator plugins are used to create products. For example, to publish a pointcache product, you'd need a pointcache product type creator, or simply, a pointcache creator.

You can extend Tray Publisher product type creators via the Simple Create Plugins setting.

To learn more about using the Tray Publisher, please check the Tray Publisher User Docs.

Addon Settings

Color Management (ImageIO)

Setting Location: ayon+settings://traypublisher/imageio

This section allows you to configure and override the global color management settings. For more details, check Host specific overrides.

  • Enable Color Management: Turns on color management for Tray Publisher.
  • File Rules
    • Activate Host Rules: Enable this to override global color rules.
    • Rules
      • + : Add more rules
      • Each rule consists of:
        • Rule name
        • Regex pattern
        • Colorspace name
        • File extension

Simple Create Plugins

Setting Location: ayon+settings://traypublisher/simple_creators

The settings provide a list of presets where admins can add various create plugins from the simple create plugin preset. At the end of the list, you'll find a + button to add another simple create plugin.

Simple Create Plugin Preset

Dynamic creator plugin definitions. Items with * are required.

  • Product type *: This name will be used in the pipeline. After publishing, it will appear in the product type column in the loader.
  • Identifier: Creator identifier used in the pipeline. If blank, the product type will be used (prefixed by settings_).
  • Label: Creator label used in the publisher UI. If blank, the identifier will be used.
  • Icon: Creator's icon, supports qtawesome icons.
  • Default Variants
  • Description
  • Detailed Description
  • Allow Sequences
  • Allow multiple items
  • Allow version control
  • Extensions *

Default Dynamic Plugins

The Tray Publisher addon includes predefined default dynamic plugins. For more information about each creator, check Default Simple Creators.

  • Workfile
  • Model
  • Pointcache
  • Plate
  • Render
  • Camera
  • Image
  • VDB Volumes
  • Matchmove
  • Rig
  • Simple UE texture
  • Audio

Editorial Simple Creator

Setting Location: ayon+settings://traypublisher/editorial_creators/editorial_simple

Editorial Simple creator configuration. This configuration is not exposed to artists in the publisher UI.

Default Variants

Default list of variants.

Clip Name Tokenizer

Use regex expressions to create tokens. These tokens will be used later in the Shot rename creator or Shot hierarchy. Each token must be enclosed by underscores (_).

  • Each item consists of
    • Token name
    • Token regex
  • + : Add a token

Shot Rename

When enabled, any discovered shots will be renamed based on the Shot rename template.

The template supports both the available template keys and tokens defined under Clip Name Tokenizer.

  • Enable
  • Shot name template

Shot Hierarchy

Shot Hierarchy defines the folder path where each shot will be added. It uses the Folder path template to compute each path. The Folder path template supports tokens defined in the Folder path template tokens setting.

Each token in the Folder path template represents a folder in the hierarchy.
Each token's value supports both the available template keys and tokens defined under Clip Name Tokenizer.

  • Enable
  • Parent path template
  • Folder path template tokens
    • Each item consists of
      • Token name
      • Token value
      • Folder type
    • + : Add a folder token.

Add tasks to shot

This list of tasks will be added to each created shot.

  • Each item consists of
    • Task name
    • Task type
  • + : Add a task.

Product Type Presets

This section allows you to define presets for products to be published within each discovered shot in the Decision list file.

  • Each item consists of
    • Product type
    • variant: Specify the variant to be used with this product. Leave blank to use the user-selected variant.
    • review: Mark the product as reviewable.
    • OutputFile Type: List of available output file extensions. Each discovered shot will be converted to the specified output file.
  • + : Add a product type preset.

Batch Movie Creator

Setting Location: ayon+settings://traypublisher/create/BatchMovieCreator


Currently, this creator doesn't work as expected. For more information, see Batch publish creator does not work | Github.

  • Default variants
  • Default tasks
  • Extensions

Ingest CSV

Settings Location: ayon+settings://traypublisher/create/IngestCSV

CSV Ingest creator configuration.

The settings are divided into three sections:

Columns config

  • CSV delimiter: The default separator is a comma ,.
  • Columns
    • Each column consists of:
      • Name: The column name.
      • Type: The data type of the column item. Supported types are number, decimal, bool and text.
      • Default: The default value used if the column is missing or empty.
      • Required Column: Indicates if the column is mandatory.
      • Validation Regex Pattern: A pattern applied to validate provided values.
    • + : Add a new column.

Although users can remove unnecessary items from CSV files, it's not advisable to remove them from the columns addon setting.

You can mark the unnecessary columns as required to ensure to ensure that certain values ​​are present in your published products.
However, any other changes may break the CSV ingestion logic!

Representation config

The representation column can have multiple values separated by the tags delimiter.

  • Tags delimiter: The default separator is a semicolon ;.
  • Default tags: These tags are added if the Representation Tags column is empty.
  • Representations: Supported representations.
    • Each representation includes:
      • Name: The name of the representation.
      • Extensions: Accepted extensions for this representation.
      • + : Add an extension.
    • + : Add a representation.
Default representation

Default representations are used for publishing renders and reviews. They include:

  • Preview: .mp4 or .mov
  • exr: .exr
  • edit: .mov
  • review: .mov
  • nuke: .nk Nuke scripts.

You can add more extensions to the available representations or create additional representations.

Folder creation config

When enabled, the CSV Ingest creator will automatically generate any missing folder hierarchy.

  • Default Folder Type: Used for creating new folders.
  • Folder Type Regexes: A list of regex and type pairs. If the folder path matches a regex, the corresponding folder type will be used instead of the default.
  • Default Task Type: Used for creating new tasks.
  • Task Type Regexes: A list of regex and type pairs. If the task name matches a regex, the corresponding task type will be used instead of the default.

Publish Plugins

Collect Original Sequence Frame Data

Disable this to enforce the frame range from AYON folder or task entities, including start and end handles.

  • Enable: The default state of the plugin.
  • Optional: Allows the user to toggle this setting in the publisher UI.
  • Active: The default value of the toggle in the publisher UI.

Validate Frame Range

Validating the frame range of rendered files against the target publish folder or task in AYON.

  • Enable: The default state of the plugin.
  • Optional: Allows the user to toggle this setting in the publisher UI.
  • Active: The default value of the toggle in the publisher UI.

Validate Existing Version

This validator checks if the specified version of the product being published already exists in the target publish folder or task in AYON.

This validation is enabled by default to prevent accidental overrides of existing versions.

  • Enable: The default state of the plugin.
  • Optional: Allows the user to toggle this setting in the publisher UI.
  • Active: The default value of the toggle in the publisher UI.

Extract Editorial Package Conversion

Editorial Package conversion configuration for the .mov file.

  • Conversion enabled: Toggle to enable conversion.
  • Output extension: Set the desired output extension. Leave blank to skip conversion, even if enabled.
  • FFmpeg arguments: Configuration settings for FFmpeg.
    • Video filters
    • Audio filters
    • Input arguments
    • Output arguments