Autodesk Flame Admin Get Started
Before opening any task in AYON wrapped Flame, the following needs to be configured:
Application addon Flame variant settings
Usage of wiretap
AYON integration uses the wiretap server to pre-create Flame project attributes that match the currently selected context attributes. This ensures all required attributes are present in the Flame project before opening it in Flame.
- Ensure that the Flame executable is correctly filled in for the corresponding variant.
- Set the required environment variables for Wiretap connection:
- FLAME_WIRETAP_HOSTNAME can be left empty if the Wiretap server is running on the same machine as Flame.
- FLAME_WIRETAP_VOLUME is usually set to stonefs by default, but your setup might be different. Check your local volume names using the command:
/opt/Autodesk/io/<YOUR FLAME VERSION>/bin/vic -v stonefs
- Optionally, you can add your custom Flame scripts to the FLAME_SCRIPT_DIRS environment variable.
variant related environment variables
Make sure your variant-related environment variables point to the correct paths. Otherwise, the integration might not work as expected.
- Following are variant-related environment variables:
- AYON_FLAME_PYTHON_EXEC - Flame Python executable
- AYON_FLAME_PYTHONPATH - Flame Python path
- AYON_WIRETAP_TOOLS - Path to Wiretap tools used for communication with the Wiretap server