Configuring email
Ayon server can be configured for sending emails to users, this may be used for the password recovery or by addons.
Using Ynput Cloud email service
With an active Ynput cloud subscription, emails are sent using Ynput servers and no configuration is necessary.
Using SMTP
Without YnputCloud subscription, a working SMTP server is required. SMTP is configured using the environment variables of the server container:
Email sender address (
SMTP server hostname (
SMTP server port (example:587
Use SSL for SMTP connection (example:true
SMTP server username (example:mailuser
SMTP server password (example:supersecretpassword
When the environment variables are set properly and server is restarted, you should see a "Reset password" link on the login page.
You may use that link to ensure that emails are sent (don't worry, your password won't be reset, unless you change it using a link in the email message).