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AYON Licenses

The AYON server operates under a Functional Source License (FSL), ensuring that most features remain free for users.

Some AYON features and addons require a license, which can be obtained through an AYON subscription or granted on a per-instance basis. For example, Power Features require an AYON subscription.

An AYON subscription includes a set number of seats, limiting how many users can log in and use AYON. This limit is called a user pool, and you can have multiple user pools of different types.

Fixed User Pools

The primary pool type is a fixed user pool, where a set number of seats are assigned to specific users. You can reassign these seats at any time, changing which users have access.

For example, a yearly AYON Pro subscription for 20 users provides a fixed pool of 20 seats, allowing 20 assigned users to log in at a time.

You can have multiple fixed pools. If you purchase a yearly subscription for 20 users and a quarterly subscription for 10 users, you would have two fixed pools: one for 20 users and one for 10 users. This allows 30 users to log in while both subscriptions are active. If the quarterly subscription ends, the 10-user pool is removed, and those users lose access.

Metered User Pool

AYON also offers additional metered licensing, where you only pay for users who log in during a given month. If a user does not log in, you are not charged for them. This type of license is useful for fast ad-hoc team scaling.

By default, metered usage is disabled, meaning only users in a fixed user pool can log in. To enable metered usage, please contact our support team.

For a user to consume a metered license, they must be assigned to the pool. You can choose a maximum limit of allowed metered users, to keep control over your budget.


Billing is based on the number of unique metered users who log in for the first time during the month, not on the number of assigned metered users at any given time.


A user who logs in even once will be billed for the entire month. We recommend assigning metered user pools only to trusted users.

Assigning User Licenses

User licenses are assigned on the user settings page: /settings/users.

A user must be active and assigned to a user pool to log in.

A user with a fixed user pool


If a user tries to log in without an assigned user pool, the server will attempt to assign them to an available fixed user pool. If no free slots are available, they will be unable to log in.