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Server Theme

The ayon theme is based on the material design philosophy:

Every color used has a variable from the theme and will always start with --md-sys-color-{name} .


Surface Containers

Surfaces go highest to lowest, elements with a higher z level should use higher surface levels.

  • Highest (buttons) --md-sys-color-surface-container-highest
  • High (cards) --md-sys-color-surface-container-high
  • Neutral (cards) --md-sys-color-surface-container
  • Low (BGs) --md-sys-color-surface-container-low
  • Lowest (BGs) --md-sys-color-surface-container-lowest

Primary Color

The primary color is a bright blue and is used in areas to draw attention, like save buttons. When using a color, ensure any content on top uses the inverse to ensure sufficient contrast ratios.

There are other colors like secondary and tertiary, but they are rarely used.

Primary - important stuff

background-color: var(--md-sys-color-primary);
color: var(--md-sys-color-on-primary);

Primary container - less important selections

background-color: var(--md-sys-color-primary-container);
color: var(--md-sys-color-on-primary-container);

Text and border colors

Mostly uses --md-sys-color-on-surface but can use the inverse of a color like --md-sys-color-on-primary .

For a more fade text use --md-sys-color-outline or even more faded --md-sys-color-outline-variant.

These are also used for borders (try to avoid outlines).

Developer Mode

Developer mode actions and UI use a specific purple color to make them standout and to signal they are for developers only. Rarely should you see this color when not in developer mode.

This color is a custom color outside of the theme color.

Purple UI elements for developer mode actions


Production and Staging

Two specific colors are used to specify the difference between "production" and "staging". These color are outside of the theme color.

Production and Staging UI elements



Text on top of these colors should always be dark.

Useful Variables

  • Padding: --padding-s (4px) --padding-m (8px) --padding-l (16px)
  • Border radius: --border-radius-m (4px) --border-radius-l (8px) (there are more but they are wrong, this needs fixing)


If you want to change the font size we have a theme of sizes.

Instead of using font-size: 14px use a className module from ARC typography.module.css.

(this could change)

import Typography from "@theme/typography.module.css";

<span className={Typography.titleSmall}>Hello</span>;

Loading state

  • Avoid spinners
  • Avoid layout shifts when the data loads in.
  • Use skeleton shimmer placeholders.
  • Use ${getShimmerStyles} in styled components.

Example loading shimmer Loading shimmer