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AYON is a modular project, the AYON server lies at the core of it, so to develop for AYON we need an instance of it either in the localhost or in a remote server, refer to the Admin Server Deployment for more.

AYON is written in Python 3 (3.9.x) and adheres to the versions defined in the VFX Reference Platform.

Some parts are kept on Python 2.7.x for compatibility purposes until all supported third-party software are updated to a newer Python version, you can see the progress at the VFX Python3 tracker.

The main requirements needed to run and build AYON are:

Supported Operating Systems

AYON can be built and ran in any platform that supports the above requirements, the development team develops and tests it on the following list of Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • CentOS 7
  • macOS 10.15 "Catalina"
  • macOS 11.1 "Big Sur" - via Rosetta2 compatibility layer.


Python is only required if you want to build AYON launcher, develop or run from the source code, otherwise is highly advised to use the pre-built binaries found in the Release page which includes Python.

Python 3.9.x is the recommended version to use, as per VFX platform CY2022. Note: Python 3.9.0 is not supported because of this bug. Please, use higher versions of 3.9.x.

And Poetry is used to manage dependencies.


There are no minimum hardware requirements, once built, it takes ~400 MB of Disk space, and it should be deployed in all the machines that interact with AYON. As a rule of thumb, if the computer can run a DCC or perform render workloads, it will be able to run AYON.


AYON is a project built on top of the following projects:

Python Dependencies

AYON uses Poetry to handle the dependencies, and you can see the full list of dependencies in the pyproject.toml, here is a list of these with their corresponging licenses:

DeprecatedMIT License
OpenTimelineIOApache Software License
SecretStorageBSD License
UnidecodeGNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)
aiohttpApache Software License
aiohttp-json-rpcApache Software License
aiohttp-middlewaresBSD License
aiosignalApache Software License
appdirsMIT License
arrowApache Software License
async-timeoutApache Software License
attrsMIT License
ayon-python-apiApache License (2.0)
bcryptApache Software License
blessedMIT License
cachetoolsMIT License
certifiMozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
cffiMIT License
charset-normalizerMIT License
clickBSD License
cliqueApache Software License
coolnameBSD License
cryptographyApache Software License;; BSD License
dropboxMIT License
enlightenMozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
evdevBSD License
frozenlistApache Software License
ftrack-python-apiApache Software License
futureMIT License
gazuGNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
google-api-coreApache Software License
google-api-python-clientApache Software License
google-authApache Software License
google-auth-httplib2Apache Software License
googleapis-common-protosApache Software License
httplib2MIT License
idnaBSD License
importlib-metadataApache Software License
jeepneyMIT License
jinxedMozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
jsonschemaMIT License
keyringPython Software Foundation License;; MIT License
log4mongoBSD License
multidictApache Software License
opencolorioCopyright Contributors to the OpenColorIO Project.
paramikoGNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
pathlib2MIT License
pillowHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)
prefixedMozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
protobuf3-Clause BSD License
pyaaf2MIT License
pyasn1BSD License
pyasn1-modulesBSD License
pyblish-baseGNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)
pycparserBSD License
pymongoApache Software License
pynaclApache License 2.0
pynputGNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)
pyparsingMIT License
pysftpBSD License
python-dateutilApache Software License;; BSD License
python-engineioMIT License
python-socketioMIT License
python-xlibGNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
requestsApache Software License
rsaApache Software License
semverBSD License
shotgun-api3Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Shotgun Software Inc All rights reserved.
sixMIT License
slack-sdkMIT License
""MIT License
QtPyMIT License
qtawesomeMIT License
speedcopyApache Software License
stoneMIT License
termcolorMIT License
uritemplateBSD License;; Apache Software License
urllib3MIT License
wcwidthMIT License
websocket-clientApache Software License
wraptBSD License
wsrpc-aiohttpApache Software License
yarlApache Software License
zippMIT License

  1. On Centos 7 you'll need to install additional libraries to support OIIO there - mainly boost and libraw (sudo yum install boost-1.53.0 LibRaw)